About Hearing Loss
My name is Terry Krutz, owner of Loop America. My moderate to severe hearing loss was discovered at birth and fortunately has remained fairly stable.
“A hearing loop is simple, time-proven technology, safe to operate, easy to install, and gives effective results.”
As a lifelong binaural hearing aids user, I was completely oblivious to hearing loops until I came across the opportunity to buy Loop America in December 2010. I installed a loop in my TV area and was amazed and impressed with the experience. The improved comprehension of the spoken word when listening through a loop is significant. It is a shame that I had to wait all these years to discover this technology.
Since then, my knowledge of the benefits of telecoil connectivity and hearing loop technology and equipment has grown. It has been my honor to speak to numerous groups, mostly local HLAA chapters, about telecoils and hearing loops.
Time 2 Loop America is an extension of my advocacy for hearing loops. Hopefully you will find the information contained herein to be informative and useful.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at tkrutz@loopamerica.com.
